
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A New Kind of Happy In My Holidays

Jeff and I have been having so much fun through the Holidays.  It is easy to say that I had my best Halloween ever.  Not only did I get to dress Violet up as the cutest little Violet ever; Jeff and I also dressed up!  Jeff fashioned our costumes out of fabric and poster board.  I was excited to show our costumes off and Jeff was excited for the pictures.  He told me he was only doing this so Violet could look back at the pictures one day and know how much fun we had with her.  He is such a good dad! 

Violet and her Sunshine!

The whole family

I don't know why the pictures are flipped.  The are vertical on my computer.  Anyway.  Thanksgiving was also a blast.  Violet loves to eat real food now so she got to eat the real Thanksgiving dinner with us.  Turkey is actually on of her favorite meats so she loved Thanksgiving.  We got together with my Mom the weekend before Thanksgiving and had a blast hanging out with all of our nieces and nephews.  There are so many kids in our family now and the energy is high!  It is so fun to see them play together.  This is how I found Violet one morning after I got my coffee.
She was just snuggling with Grace and watching Frosty the Snowman.  I love those sweet little moments.  Here are a few more pics from Mom's Thanksgiving.

We spent Thanksgiving Day at my Dad's house.  We got there late on Wednesday night and pulled up to a winter wonderland!  I think Jeff now understands my eagerness to get lights up by Thanksgiving now that he has seen my Dad's house.  It was beautiful and brought back so many memories from when I was a kid.  Dad used to shoot a gun in the air on Thanksgivig at dusk to signal the neighborhood to turn their lights on.  It was awesome!  Here are a few pics of Violet at Dad's house.

We finished our Thanksgiving Extravaganza at Jeff's parents' house.  It was quiet this time since his brothers couldn't make it.  We had a great time spending the day with them and violet loved the extra attention she got.  The Holidays are just so much more fun now that we get focus them on Violet. 
     Jeff has our Christmas lights up and Mom just surprised us with a giant lit Santa for Violet.  She loves it!  I can't wait until she can recognize Santa and get excited about him coming.  Next year?  We are getting ready to get our Christmas Tree.  We are real tree people.  I love to go to Fouch's Christmas Tree Farm and spend an hour picking out the perfect tree.  I love the real tree smell and the extra character it has.  Jeff is too much of an outdoorsman to get a real tree even though they are much more work for him.  We contemplated getting a fake pre-lit tree this year because of our fear of Violet pulling it over.  We even got up at 5:00 on Black Friday to snag the 50$ pre-lit tree at Home-Depot.  Sadly, we lost the tree to an over eager customer when we hesitated on white lights or colored.  He snagged the last tree out from under us.  I think it is a sign that we need to stick with real trees.  This one might be smaller than normal, but at least we are sticking to tradition.  We shall see how that goes. 
   Jeff's birthday is tomorrow!  He will be 31.  We are going on a date!  The first one since July.  I am really excited and may even get dressed up!  More pics to come!  Here is one last pic of Violet and her spaghetti.

What a cutie pie!

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