
Monday, October 24, 2011


My Little Family
 Big girl!
 Don't forget Peanut
 So curious

 Too sweet for words
 I saw this coat in a store before we had Violet.  It was so sweet and I wanted a child so bad that I couldn't keep the tears from falling.    Mom secretly bought it for me not knowing when we would have a child or even if we would have a girl.  She saved it for two years and then gave it to me when Violet entered our lives.  I will keep this coat forever as a momento of Violet but also of my Mom's love.
 She cracks herself up!
 Yep, she sleeps like this often.

 My little helper
 Whoops!  I left her with the rice crispies!  She had a blast!

It is now official..... We are moving to Macomb, Illinios!  Jeff has signed a three year contract with the hospital in Macomb as a general ENT.  We won't move until he is done with his residency, which isn't until the summer of 2013.  We have some time to adjust to the idea of moving and spend extra time with family and friends.  While we will always be residents of Kirksville at heart, we are excited about moving to Macomb.  The town is small and friendly, just how we like it!  We actually searched the United States for ENT openings in small towns and decided to pursue Macomb.  I can't believe it worked out so quickly.  There are 13 parks in a town of 20,000 and a really good school system.  There are also two lakes, 3 golf courses, and Western Illinios University.  Sounds good to me!  (It is also only 2 1/2 hours away from home.) 
     Violet continues to amaze me!  She is changing so quickly and learning so fast.  She has started playing peek a boo while she eats.  She puts her bib over her face and then peeks out and waits for you to say "peek a boo" and then smiles so big!  She started this a few days ago and plays over and over again every time she eats!  She is also clapping now.  I think she likes me to clap for her and say "yeah" so now she claps to get me to clap!  So cute.  My favorite new thing is that she give kisses.  We give her kisses on her cheeks and than ask for a kiss and she leans in open mouthed and kisses our cheeks.  I love it!  She is such a big girl. 
    I am so excited for the holidays this year I can hardly stand it!  Halloween is next week and our costumes are almost finished.  I hope to have some cute pics to post.   

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