
Friday, October 7, 2011

Big Steps For Violet!

Love the toosh and the shoes :)

Point the toes!

Doesn't she look like her daddy?

Violet with Grandma at her first parade

Violet at her first football game with Aunt Pat

Do you notice the caterpillar?  She thought it was so funny.


Discovering leaves

Standing like a big girl

On the move

Violet is almost 10 months old now and it is amazing how much she has changed in this past month!  It seemed as if all in one week Violet decided she was done being a baby and wanted to become mobile.  She started standing thanks to the Leap Frog Table.  For the longest time she refused to put weight on her feet.  We all joked it was because her feet are so tiny and her legs so chubby!  Finally, after buying the Leap Frog Table she started standing for long periods of time and playing!  It was like she needed a purpose to stand.  She will now take steps with help too!  The same week she started standing, she started army crawling!  At first it was just a couple feet and out of pure frustration due to me stealing her toys and moving them out of reach.  (I know, mean mama)   But now she can go across a room without me taunting her.  She is definitely becoming more curious.   It is so funny to watch her move because she only uses the right arm and the left leg.  She wiggles like a little worm, but can get to where she needs to go.  She also got her first tooth!  We started talking about her teething at 5 months.  5 months later she has a tooth!  It is so cute.  I can only imagine what she is thinking about the poky thing in her mouth. 
     It is amazing to me how smart she is.  She can understand anything I tell her.  She can grab my eyes and nose on command and can shoe you her shoes when asked.  This girl loves her shoes!  She also loves her books.  I mean loves them.  She will choose to read a book over play with a toy any chance she gets.  She definitely has her favorites and loves pop up books.  I will pick up a book and start reading, and she will push it away if that is not the one she wants.  She will pick the book she wants out of 4 spread in front of her. 
    This time last year our Family Profile had just become active, which means birth parents were able to view it and consider us as adoptive parents.  My live has been filled with so much joy in the past year by little Violet.  I was in pure desperation last year and now I am living in bliss.  It is unbelievable how fast your life can change.  I never knew this much happiness was possible.  I love being a mother and will cherish every precious moment.  Jeff is home now and life seems normal again.  We are preparing for Halloween and Violet's first birthday and Christmas!  I can't wait!

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