
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy Easter!

Papa helping with her Easter Egg hunt

Ta Da!

Violet kissing Grandma's boo boo

Violet wanting a little extra kisses for her boo boo

Let's go fly a kite!  Best 1$ of the year so far

Violet and her "Squishy Squashy"  Indoor fun while it rains and rains

Another favorite indoor activity.  Bubbles in the sink

Violet loves to listen to Grace read

She has learned to swing by herself!  Such a big girl

Wow have we been busy!  Mom and I got a chance to go check on Evan this week!  We have decided to name the baby Evan Ryan.  I just love it.  I have a feeling we will be calling our kiddos Vi and Ven.  Everything seems to be going great with the birth mother.  She is really trying to stay healthy during this pregnancy which we think is so wonderful.  Just add that to list of reasons why we love our birth mother.  The baby is measuring about two weeks bigger than a normal 29 week baby so they are going to do an ultra sound at the next appointment.  I am glad they are being so thorough and I can't wait to see another picture of our sweet baby boy.  My mom was so excited to meet the birth family and I was so grateful for her company.  She is such a nurturer by nature and could only help the birth family feel more comfortable with our family.  I was really nervous about traveling around Iowa City since we both have a terrible sense of direction.  We must of had an angel with us because we traveled from one end of the city to another and didn't get lost once!  We were able to look at various apartments and hotels and found a perfect one to stay in while we wait for the adoption paperwork to go through.  We are expecting 2-3 weeks.  We booked a suite in a brand new hotel that has two bedrooms and a full kitchen.  The hotel has a pool for Violet and complimentary breakfast and dinner!  The lady showing us around said she could even find us a rocking chair if we needed it!  We could never afford such a place, but since the worker knew we were staying there for an adoption, she gave us a huge discounted rate.   I feel like she was another angel guiding us through this process.  We have the room booked for 4 weeks and will add or remove days depending on when the baby comes.  I am so glad I got to connect with the birth family again and so glad my mom could experience the bond between birth family and adoptive family.  It is an emotion that cannot be put into words.  
     Jeff is studying for boards and the stress is a little intense.  14 years of post high school education boils down to one test.  Since he is studying so hard, Mom also went with me on a house hunting trip to Macomb!  We are expecting to buy a house without Jeff ever seeing it!  Thank goodness for my Mom's opinion.  I really don't know what I am going to do without her.  We saw 8 houses in one day and have narrowed the list down to two wonderful houses.  It is really nice knowing that I can choose between two houses that I know will feel like home.  We should be making an offer in the next two weeks.  We just want to make sure something else doesn't come on the market.   
     Violet is two and really spunky!  She has such a fun personality.  She is obsessed with the color orange right now.  She likes orange popsicles, orange suckers, orange crayons, orange necklaces, orange chips.... the list goes on and on.  She is getting much better at sharing, but if the toy is orange, it is probably not going to happen!  We have been going to a tumbling class for toddlers.  I am so proud of how much she has matured during this class.  When we started, she did not want to sit and stretch with the teacher.  She just wanted to play on the equipment!  Know, she is sitting on her dot like a pro and practicing her stretches at home!  She is also a part of the pre school sunday school class.  When I dropped her off this morning, she grabbed her carpet square and sat down to hear a story.  I was so proud!  She is growing us so fast.  She can't get enough of babies right now.  She wants to hold them and kiss them and bring them toys.  I know she is going to be a great big sister.  I can't wait to see their relationship unfold.  

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