
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It has been way too long since I have updated this blog.  I often have stories run through my head but feel like I need more time to get them down, "just right".  The result is a stagnate blog...  Violet is so much fun right now!  She is a huge Momma's girl and would really like her world to only consist of our family.  She loves her Grandma's and Pappa's and cousins, but has a really hard time when I even talk to another child.  My mom has some really great ideas on how to help Violet cope with other kids.  She had her sharing crackers with kids today which is a really big deal!  We went through a bag of crackers really quickly, but Violet was doing such a great job and all the kids were having fun.  
    Violet is really spunky and gets really excited easily.  Right now she loves airplanes, school buses, and the moon.  We went to the local air show and had soooo much fun.  It was one of those moments that I wish I could have frozen in time.  Airplanes were constantly flying overhead and Violet was so excited that her whole body was shaking.  She kept yelling, "hi airplane!".  At one point Jeff was video taping her and I was taking still pictures.  Our friends walked up and said, "I knew it had to be the Sparks' when I saw two camaras out".  The airshow was a little thing, but her joy was definitely our joy.  Life is so much fun right now.  
     She also gets really excited when she sees school buses.  After seeing a school bus, she will repeat over and over, "Biiiiig school bus.   Yellow school bus.  Biiiig yellow school bus!"  Driving by the school bus barn is like Christmas at our house :)   Another fun thing we do with Violet is look at the moon.  She gets so excited to see the moon that she gets the full body shakes.  She yells "Hi moon!  Hi stars!" and then tries to count the stars.  It is adorable!
  Violet is so smart it is almost scary.  She started counting in Spanish out of nowhere!  I totally credit Dora on this one.  We were playing with blocks and she counted to 10 in Spanish.  I have heard her a few times since but can't get her to do it on command.  She is also starting to talk in sentences.  I love hearing her little deep voice.  I can't get enough of it.  
   We are starting the adoption process again.  We have the materials to get started with our profile and APQ but have been a little delayed on getting started.  We are a little unsure as to when to go active, (which means when a birthmother can view our profile and choose us) due to Jeff's boards and moving.  We are working with a specialist to try and decide the best time but so much is unknown it is hard to decided.  It would be easier to wait until we move, but we really don't want to wait that long.  Hopefully this time next year we will have another baby :)  

Hi Airplane!
 Playing with determination!  Love her boots :)
 Love the heart cloud in the background
 She still hears a lawn mower and shouts "airplane!"

 "Where'd the airplane go?"

 Getting some new adoption pictures ready.  Pick us! Pick us!

 "Hey Ty, hold still so I can read you this captivating book"  This picture totally captures Violet's personality. Books trump playing in her world

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