
Friday, May 18, 2012

Home Sweet Home

 Celebrating Mother's Day with my wonderful Mom

 I think the water was cold!

 I love Ty in this picture.

 Violet and Ty Ty are buddies!  He is so sweet to her.

Spring in Kirksville is so beautiful!  We have had so much fun playing outside in the beautiful weather.  Violet is no longer walking, she is running!  She runs everywhere she goes.  It is so cute because she kind of bounces from one foot to the other.  She also gets really "happy feet"  and stomps them as fast as she can when she gets excited.  We have had a lot of fun getting outside toys for Violet to play with. Jeff built her a sandbox and she loves it!  It is hours of entertainment everyday.  The only problem is there is sand all over my kitchen floor all the time. It is a good reminder of blessed we are to have little Violet.  We also got her a playhouse which she loves.  She has so much fun sitting on the little chairs inside and opening and closing the doors.  She has learned to make the water sound at the faucet and say hello while talking on the telephone.  It is fun to watch her imagination develop.
    I just turned 30!  I can't believe it!  I really am happy to be 30.  It is going to be amazing phase of my life.  I want the mini-van full of kids with 15 cup holders and automatic sliding doors!  I want my nights to be full of homework and ballgames!   I want my mornings full of cheerios and Mickey Mouse.  I love being 30.
   My amazing husband threw me a surprise birthday party.  The party was fun, but it is the all the thought and planning that he put into the party that makes it so special.  He had my Mom and sister in full swing party planning mode by making food and blowing up photos from all phases of my life.  He even made sure my dad could come.  Nothing makes you feel more special than a surprise party from family and friends.  Here's to thirty and many more to come.

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