
Friday, March 2, 2012

Beat the Winter Blues

Exploring in her activity table

Finger Painting With Pudding
She loves to sort objects.  She is putting all the rocks in her shell.

Playing with clean mud


So Fun!  It Was Like a Blizzard.
Love My Girl

While we have had a mild winter, we have been stuck in the house most of the time.  Little Violet does not have a great immune system and has been sick most of the winter.  We have been battling bronchittis and runny noses all winter and have had the joy of experiencing Roseolla.  I asked her pediatrician if she needed some sort of super vitamin to help boost her immune system and she looked at me like I was crazy.  She said babies are sick in the winter.  They can get up to 10 viruses each winter, (we are close to that number).  So, we are avoiding all sick people and places where sick people congregate.  I have been going a little stir crazy since everyone seems to be sick these days.  Thank goodness for pinterest.  I have found links to all sorts of great blogs with activities for 1 year olds.  I didn't realize Violet would be interested in "activites".  She loves them and I love creating them!  I feel my teacher planning and creativity coming out.  My favorite so far has been the clean mud.  You make it out of toilet paper and soap.  It smells amazing and gets squishy like play dough.  She had a blast squishing it.  We also tried finger painting with pudding.  She wasn't as interested in this one.  Partially because the pudding was so cold.  She also hasn't quite grasped the concept of putting color on paper.  We try and color together too.  She thinks the crayons are amazing but when she tries to color she drops the crayon on the paper and expects it to make a color like when I do it.  I love seeing how her mind works.  We will continue working on that one!  My Mom also got her a sand and water table.  I actually filled it with rice to use as a sensory activity.  She loves this so much!   She loves squishing the rice and throwing it on the ground.  She can also find rocks that hide from her.  I can't wait to use it this summer with water.  Next we are going to try making play dough and oobleck.  So fun! 
     Violet is now walking like a champ.  She can walk wherever she wants to go and for as long as she wants.  It just clicked!  She has even started walking fast as I chase her.  Soon she will be full on running.  Her favorite thing to do right now is move little objects from one place to another.  She has little puzzle pieces that spell her name.  They are her absolute favorite and we loose them about every day because she is constantly moving them from one place to another.  She moves them one at a time.  Starting from the puzzle and then to her chair.  From her chair to my step stool.  From the step stool to a book.  From a book to her stairs and on and on.  She will be occupied with this for over a half hour if I would let her!  She is so funny.
    We also had our well visit with Dr. Ionas.  Violet is doing great!  She is in the 40% in both height and weight and her head is in the 88%!  Who would have thought that my chubby baby would drop to 40%?   We are headed to Joplin next week for the rest of March and then Dallas for the first two weeks of April.  It is going to be an adventure for sure!  I will have many stories I am sure.  Until then...

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