
Friday, January 27, 2012

Flower Girl

I love this dress so much!  It matched the brides which made it even more fun.

I love her onry grin
 Future Love?  They became fast friends.

 Enjoying the plane ride.  She was sooooo good! 
 The venue was gorgeous!  They had outdoor fireplaces and fountains.   And yes, I had my make-up done... maybe a little much!  And no, those are not my real eyelashes!
 Cactus picture :)

Mesmerized by the planes

Daddy day while Mom was away

We all just got back from our fast and furious trip to Arizona for Jeff's cousin's wedding.  Violet was the flower girl and I was a bridesmaid.  The wedding was beautiful and Violet couldn't have been any cuter!  She was also so well behaved.  She just went with the flow regardless of 2 full days of traveling and a time change.  I was really nervous before our trip for a couple of reasons.  One, Violet is a very scheduled baby.  She naps at the same times everyday and eats at the same times everyday.  We had never tested out what would happen if she was off her schedule.  I was sure we would have a meltdown.  She was excellent.  She cried a little in the airport when it was her nap time, but we layed her down in the stroller and she went right to sleep.  We also had a food bag packed so we had snacks and meals in the middle of airports.  No problem!  Thank you Violet!  I was also nervous because Violet has never been a baby that likes to be held unless you are giving her a bottle or reading her a book.  Otherwise, she is pretty independent.  I couldn't figure out how I was going to keep her on my lap for three hours.  Well, I don't know how or why, but she sat on my lap for three straight hours and talked and played.  She couldn't have been any better!  I guess she just knew there wasn't any room for her to get down. 
    I have a few funny stories from our trip.  First of all, I overpacked.  I did not take into consideration the crew we were traveling with.  Our crew consisted of Great Grandma Iva and her wheel chair.  Penny, Jeff, Me, and Violet with her stroller, car seat, and three carryons..  (Food bag toy bag and diaper bag)  Penny had to push Iva, I had to push Violet, so that left Jeff with ALL our luggage.  At one point, we were trying to catch a shuddle to go get a rental car and I look back to see Jeff trying to pull four suitcases and a car seat!  I of course start laughing, because what else can you do?  There was not a luggage cart to be found and we just wanted to get to our hotel. 
     I was carrying an insulated food bad for Violets snacks and sippy cups.  We left at 9:00 in the morning and didn't get to our hotel until 9:00 at night.  I couldn't keep the milk cold enough for that long and they are not real condusive to letting you take a lot of fluids on the plane.  (Luckily we could take a sippy cup on).  So, by the time we got to the hotel we were searching for more milk.  The only place open with milk was the bar.  So Violet and I sat at the bar while they served her milk.  She was so happy and the waitress was incredibly nice.  She filled a bucket for us with ice to help keep more milk cold for the morning.  The bucket was of course a miller lite bucket!  We thought that was so funny! 
     The next day I was swept away for bridesmaid activities and Jeff was left to take care of Vioet.  I went to a very ritzy salon and was pampered with getting my hair and make-up done.  I have never had my make-up done and most times when I get my hair done the conversation starts with, "oh my, I have never seen so much hair.  How am I going to do something with this".  I was the last to go so I am having my hair and make-up done at the same time.  The make-up artist politely asks, " Honey, do you exfoliate?"  I respond, "No, is that something I should be doing?"  She says, "Are you kidding me?  with this dryness?"  Oh my was I in a different kind of salon than I am used to!  Later she asks, "What kind of cleanser do you use?"  I respond, "I use a mild cleanser, Cetaphil".  Followed by, "Cetaphil?  Are you kidding me?  I can't believe you are using Cetaphil!"  Oh my, I wanted to crawl out of there.   Towards the end she was trying to talk me into fake eye lashes and I agreed just so I wouldn't  anger her anymore!  Jeff had a hayday with those!  We are still laughing about it. 
    The wedding was beautiful and Violet was a trooper.  I now know that I can take her anywhere.  I never should have doubted! 

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