
Monday, June 20, 2011

She's Official!!!!!

Violet Marie Sparks, I love the sound of that.  Today was her court date that finalized the adoption.  She is officially our little girl forever.  I will never forget how nervous I was for this date.  I knew that everything was going to go smoothly, but something about the formality of the event made me nervous.  I could almost forget that her adoption wasn't final after the first court hearing because she has felt like ours from the moment we were matched.  As her final date drew closer, I was reminded again of the fact that she wasn't offically our yet and that made me nervous. 
        We pulled up the the courthouse when it was time for the hearing and were surrounded by our family and flashes of the camera.  We actually filled the courtroom up!  Jeff and I were seated at the huge desk which made Violet look so small.  Jeff had to take the stand to testify that the adoption was in the best interest of Violet.  I will never forget him smiling at me as he answered all of the questions.  I will also never forget little Violet's little hands playing with the huge desk as her daddy testified for her.  She kept looking up at me as if to calm me down.  When it was my turn to testify, she wrapped her arms around Jeff's neck and was playing with his ear.  She was so sweet and perfect during the whole thing.  Judge steel made a point of saying how much he likes doing adoption cases because of the joy in the room.  When it was all over we all cried and hugged because if felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of our shoulders.  I didn't know I was going to be emotional, I knew everything was going to be okay, but knowing that she is our forever daughter is an emotion that I can't hold back.  It is something I will never take for granted.   
    We decided to throw Violet a My Little Sunshine party because, well, she lights up our life!  Cheesy I know.  Actually I thought it was a super cute theme I found on-line for a birthday party and thought it was perfect for her adoption.  I worked hard on decorations and even had my friend Lissy make her a sunshine banner.  Everything was perfect thanks to my family helping with the food, Tab making awesome cupcakes, and my mom adding her specail touch in the presentation of everything.  Mom came over in the morning with all her disher and made my house look as good as it ever will.  Thanks everyone for coming to celebrate with us!
     I couldn't help but think of the birthmother today.  I hope she knows how happy little Violet is.  I hope she knows how happy she has made Jeff and I.  I hope she has peace in her heart.  I was listening to the radio today and a young man was telling his story about how his teenage girlfriend got pregnant.  They chose abortion because society told them that was a medical fix to their problem.  He was young and didn't know about pregnancy crisis centers.  He didn't know about other options.  Today he was trying to influence young people to choose life.  I have so much respect for those that do choose life.  It is not the easy choice, but Violet is a product of a hard choice.  A hard choice that brought more joy into the world than I can express in words.  "Every good and perfect gift is from above"  James 1:17.   Thank you birthmother, for your hard choice and perfect gift. 

1 comment:

  1. I did not know you had a blog until you posted a comment on mine. I just read this post & am so happy for you! I could not help but smile while looking through your pictures from the hearing & sunshine party (which I think is a perfect idea). Definitely something we look forward to. Your story is a great inspiration for us who are still waiting!
