
Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 Very Fast Months

I cannot believe how much our lives have changed in the past three months.  Violet has completely changed our view on the world and made our hearts grow three sizes!  The past month has been amazing!  She seems to change every day; either gaining a new roll on her legs or making a new noise.  She has really become alert.  She no longer likes to cuddle when she is awake, but would rather sit straight up and look at everything in the room.  She likes to try and talk to us too!  Her little personality is starting to burst out and I love every inch of it!  Her new favorite thing is the clock on the wall.  She stares at it and starts smiling!  I think she thinks it is real.

We are still staying in Joplin.  We decided to stay through March instead of coming back in May.  I am glad we don't have to make the trip again so soon but really miss my car!  The weather here has been amazing!  Sometimes 30 degrees warmer than Kirksville.  We were really enjoying walking across our street in this quiet little bank parking lot.  The street we live on is not safe enough to walk on because of the traffic.  We would walk laps around the back parking lot where the employees parked so there was hardly anybody driving through.  A few days ago, an manager came out and told me I couldn't push my baby there because they would be liable if something were to happen to us.  I said, "In the parking lot?" and he said, "Yes, we get a lot of traffic."  Well, I had been walking there for a month and had not seen a lot of traffic!  He just took away my excersize and daily burst of sunshine.  Oh well, two more weeks and we will be busting the pavement in Kirksville.  Jeff and I did find a great park with a walking trail by the river that we like to go to when he gets home from work. 

Mom and Tiff came down to visit this week!  I was so excited to see them and to share Violet with someone.  Poor little Violet thought there were only two people in this world!  She was a little nervous at first, but warmed right up to them.  We had an awesome photo shoot in her christening gown, went shopping at the mall, and went out to eat!  Violet was great the whole time and Mom and Tiff couldn't get enough of her.  I was so proud.  Mom even taught me how to change a diaper without getting Violet out of her carseat!  She is a pro and I got it done. 

We are making the most of Joplin and are enjoying the food, but  I am still counting the days until we get to come home.  15 to go!  See you all soon!


1 comment:

  1. Tish! She doesn't even look like the same baby that left a month and a half ago, she looks so big!!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous and those EYES are too beautiful!!!! Can't wait for her and Macy to meet, what great buddies they will be! Miss you, Tab
