
Sunday, January 9, 2011

One Month!

Violet is one month old today!  I can't believe it!  The time has flown by and she is growing and changing so much.  I can't explain the peace that has settled in my heart since we have brought Violet home.  There is nothing I could ever want more than what I have now.  We have so many people helping us with dinner and dropping by gifts.  We feel so loved and have made a resolution to be more helpful to other people!  Thanks for all your thoughtfulness!

Our first Christmas together was so much fun!  On Christmas Eve we got her all dressed up for the first time in her Christmas dress and headed to Grandma's for dinner with the family.  I had waited a long time to be the last to eat!  It is funny the little things that mean so much!  The family headed to church at the Crossing and Jeff and I headed home.  Little Violet doesn't get out much!  On Christmas morning Violet gave her daddy a pink baseball glove that he is supposed to break in for her so it will be ready when she is strong enough!  I can't wait to see them play catch.  I can't wait to play catch for that matter!

Violet is a great baby.  She doesn't cry very much, and if she does it can usually be fixed with a diaper change or a bottle.  She sleeps for 4-5 hours at a time so I only have to get up once with her during the night.  Jeff usually stays up late with her and then I get up in the night.  It seems to be working pretty well.  Bath time has also got alot better.  We have now incorporated space heaters into the bath routine and if she is warm, we can do anything to her!  She seems to like the water, but hates getting out! 

Violet is also growing very fast!  She eats 3-4 oz and is almost 9 lbs!  Her feet still seem itty bitty, but everything else is getting chubby!  We are going to take monthly pictures of her next to the same stuffed animal so we can really see growth.  Thanks for that idea and the stickers Alli!    We love being parents and are trying to seize every moment! 

Violet is getting very used to the flash of the camara!  We have already had 3 photo shoots!  We celebrated her court date with a photo shoot from my mom and Tiffany.  We got some adorable 1 week pictures.  Violet actually peed and pooped on me during that 30 minute photo shoot!  I guess that is what you get when you take her diaper off.  Welcome to motherhood!  Lissy Early also took newborn shoots when she was 2 wks old.  They also turned out beautiful!  It is amazing what you can do with a space heater and a sleeping newborn!  We finished the shoots off today with her 1 month shoot.  This was more laid back but I had so much fun dressing her up and actually captured a smile!  I am sure there will be more to come! 

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