
Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Match!

I have been waiting four years to start a blog!  I am excited and kind of nervous to post this first entry!  Jeff and I have been waiting to start a family and decided that God was guiding us to start a family through adoption.  It is amazing how perfect his plan is and how every life event is meant to be!  We have been matched with an amazing woman who exhibits so much strength and love for her child.  Her only concern is what is best for her baby and I make it my promise to love this baby and make every decision based on what is best for her!  Our baby girl is due on December 20!  That is only 36 days away.  We have decided to name her Violet.  Little Baby Violet, I can't say it enough!  It can't get here soon enough. 

Jeff and I have started planning our nursery out!  We are really excitied about actually putting it together.  The adoption books teach you to guard your heart until the baby is actually yours, but I am tired of guarding my heart.  I really want to jump in full swing and get ready for Violet because I know she is coming home with us!  I have bonded with her already!  She immediately became mine in my heart as soon as we were matched!  Jeff and I were watching CMT last night and the Rascal Flats song, "Broken Road" came on.  I know this song was originally written about broken hearts with love/marriage, but when we listened to it we immediately felt like the song was speaking directly to us.  Infertility has been our broken road, but it has lead us straight to Violet.  I feel in my heart that it was meant to be.  I can't wait to meet and hold her! 


  1. You will be the perfect Mom, just like ours. I love the blog, keep it coming!

  2. I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to meet your little princess.

  3. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Just lots of smiles, happy tears and yayyyyyyyys :-) So so so so so so so so happy for you guys!!!

  4. You have a blog!!! Brought tears of joy to my eyes!

  5. I love this blog! You and Jeff are going to be amazing parents and Violet will have a wonderful life...what a lucky little girl! I can't wait to meet her:)

  6. Tisha, I found your blog on facebook! I'm so happy for you two. Violet is going to be such a lucky girl!!

  7. Congratulations Tisha :) You'll be a wonderful mommy!
    M. Bragg
